Sunday 7 February 2010


Back to typepad for me. This bog only shows the thumbnail of your photos.....I want to click for full size pictures.....bye

That's were I'm going back to

Ollie feedin the ducks

We went to Peatmoore lake to use Ollie's amphibius Tank today and took some bread to feed the ducks. Ollie thought it was great fun, after attracting all the lake's birds to the bank, he thought it fun to scare them all away after.

Snap Village Seat

Snap Village Seat

Snap Village has long since disapeared but we always enjoy driving by and Ollie wanted to sit on the seat.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Blogger Posting

It appears that the posting client wants to tell you where I am when I post. But with no GPS signal its miles out.

I'm at home in Purton but I guess the phone is using my mobile signal to position me. Not very accurately.

I was at : 61 Swan Ln, Leigh, Wiltshire SN6 6,

I was at : 61 Swan Ln, Leigh, Wiltshire SN6 6,

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Old photo from last year.

Just wanted to post a picture that I was looking at.

I was at : Moroccan Sahara

I was at : 61 Swan Ln, Leigh, Wiltshire SN6 6,

Tuesday 2 February 2010

New blog host.New phone

This is the third blog post with the Nexus One but the first with the blogaway client to the blogspot blog. I have migrated the posts here but need to find a tool to bring over the pictures and videos. I hope the new blogging client gets me blogging more frequently, it certainly seems like its easier than then last set up.

As before only time will tell, famous last words that have been spouted a few times before....

watch this space

Saturday 30 January 2010

Videos posted live streamed then archived on my new QIK site.

Currently there's two from Oliie's Birthday and Party.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Sunday 20 December 2009

Saturday 19 December 2009