Saturday 29 May 2004

BMW 645

Met the CEO of the company I'm contracting for yesterday. This is his new 645 - very nice. Thought of you BMW fans out there.

Bryn's Beast.

Here is Bryn's Rangerover waiting for it's 37 inch Boggers!

Tuesday 25 May 2004

Life's a Beach!

Just a few pics from the beach - I took a few so I thought l'd spread them across the week. These are Pip & Harri & Buster enjoying the sunny but windy Brighton seafront.

Monday 24 May 2004

Saturday Samba

Saturday saw Brighton host a National Samba competition. With Samba groups from 30 UK cities parading the streets. We enjoyed the spectacle as they passed us in the street but when we returned to the car that evening we found it surrounded by Samba people and it took a while to extract it!

Sunday 23 May 2004

Ouze Estuary Project

Giles is an EcologicaI Surveyor and one of the projects he works on is the Ouze Estuary Project. They are moving all the protected wildlife from some meadows so that they can be developed. I got up early to go Newt catching with him. He uses drift fencing to direct the amphibians into pitfall traps where they are collected and then relocated to an area within the project that is not being developed. MainIy they are looking for Great Crested Newts but Giles moves Lizards Toads (herpetafauna) & anything other than insects. On this morning we found 3 sub-adult female Great Crested Newts & one very fat Common Lizard. The Lizard had recently lost its tail & you could see the new one growing! We also came across some Fox cubs with a fresh Rabbit carcass but merely caught glimpses of them before they hid. They were clearly having a good time before we desturbed them by the noise they were making. After Giles released the last Newt we went home for a fryup.


We have gone to Brighton to visit Fran Giles & Zoe for the weekend. No sooner had we got there and Harri & Zoe are dressing up.

Friday 21 May 2004


Harri has started "Little Ninjas" ! Here he is in his suit showing me his moves! He loves it!

Sunday 16 May 2004

Irish Chavs

It seems that Chavs are infiltrating all of Europe - Here's the best Chav motor in Tullamore - and believe me there was a lot to choose from!


I have been working in Tullamore in Ireland all weekend. I managed to get out for a few beers on Saturday night. In town I found these two takeaways - A kebab shop Nige would have approved of "ABRAKEBABRA".

And a chinese called "PADDY FIELD'S".

Only in Ireland.

Friday 14 May 2004

Ben Jumping

Took this snap of Ben on his Kona jumping in the garden. He has this jump dialled now.

Thursday 13 May 2004

Steve's Road Train

Steve popped in on his way home with another of his Mercs on a trailer pulled by another of his Rangerovers. His Mrs must be sooo patient! He has 3 Rangies & 3 Mercs - not to mention the motorbike the Honda S2000 & Anne-Marie's Alfa!!


What a cutey!

Took pic at the weekend!

Harri & Lucy

Harri & Lucy dressed up as Tiger & Spiderman on their way to stay over at their Nanny's house!

Monday 10 May 2004


Back at New rd and everyone stuffed their faces - then 5 went back to Sarah's for a sleep over! Josh was heard to remark " I don't know why it's called a sleepover - We never go to sleep!''.

Closely contested

Jack came in 1st 0.07 seconds in front of Pip then Toby came in 3rd place.

It was clearly good fun and with everyone buzzing from the karting it was back to ours for some grub.

Josh's Birthday Bash

Josh Ben & 7 of their Friends went karting at Winners in Wroughton. Even Pip & Sarah joined in whilst Harri & I cheered them all on from the pits!

Friday 7 May 2004


Today is josh's birthday so here's a picture of josh under the latest Rangerover. He had the cunning idea of using a skate board as a creeper board to slide under the truck!

As ever "thanks for your help Josh"!!

Wednesday 5 May 2004

Ben & Harri

Caught a few snaps of Ben & Harri doing their dailey training - face pulling!


Harri's funny face! He has a repetoir of funny faces - this is a new one !

Tuesday 4 May 2004


Showing off his new bike an cycle helmet - Looking cool dood!!


Well back to work after the weekend. Here's a picture of everyone on bikes - we are off to the pub for lunch on Bank hol.

Monday 3 May 2004

Bank Holiday

Well 1st an apology - Matt pointed out that my posts had been tailing off recently and how right he was.So I will try & get back to at least one a day.

Here are Matt & Jeanette about half way through the Smirnoff on Saturday night over ours.