Tuesday 21 September 2004

The future's bright - The future's YELLOW?


Steve sent me this mms of his new Disco - the price reflected the colour he tells me! I don't think its too bad .................but it is bright! I am looking forward to the "leather look" upholstry that he told me about.

When you going to take me for a spin then Steve?

Life's a Beach


Smithy sent me this mms of the view from where he ate lunch the other day. He has got a flat/appartment in Manly now. I would post a pic of the view from where I sit for lunch but its just my VDU screen - not quite as interesting eh?



Nige sent me this snap of his Brother-in-law's car! Well sort of - his brother-in-law is a top notch mechanic/engineer for MacClarren (spelt wrong I am sure). He is currently working on the F1 so they asked him to put some miles on the clock. He took Nige for a spin in it.....................sounds like it went well! - THIS IS NOT A CHAV MOTOR!




Here are a couple of CHAV pics I have been sent over the last few weeks. I particularly like the little red roler skate!! Very tasteless!!

Harri Tae Kwon Do Belt Promotion






Harri had his first belt promotion for Tae Kwon Do and achieved his Orange belt. But to top it all they hand out an award for the child that has tried the hardest in classes over the term and Harri won a practice pad for being the hardest worker in his class! He was ecstatic and Pip and I were very proud too!

Monday 6 September 2004

Scan Picture

baby1I just couldn't believe it when we were handed this scan picture at the hospital today. The latest addition to the Grisley Tribe! But look...........is he sticking his fingers up at us all? There are three other scan pictures ................but this is my favourite! And YES it is real - no editing has been done! That's my boy!

Lightning over Sydney last Saturday

Syd5Syd4Syd3Syd2Syd1Smithy sent me these pics of the storms over the weekend in Sydney - he hastened to add he didn't take them - he was hiding in his appartment.

Snow Boarding on Bondi Beach!


Whilst we were enjoying a hot blazing sunny day here - Smithy was experiencing the worst of Sydney's winter. He sent me this snap of someone snowboarding at bondi Beach! They apparently had a real bad hail stone storm.

Hair today Gone tomorow

47SC0022Mozz_gon.jpg Before and After

Chancy's Tash


Here is Chancy's Tash...................................................

Nige & Captain Nemo

nigethe_captain.jpgWhat can I say - Nige's face says it all - I recon this made his day - Nige that is - not poor Captain Nemo!

Chancy on the Isle of Wight

chancys_iow_hatThis is a brilliant picture of Chancy with his Isle of Wight hat - apparently it suited him so much the shop keeper gave it to him for free...........................................................................................well somin like that!

Isle Of Wight

47SD004047SD002947SC001947SC001747S7001647S70014Whilst at King of Concrete the lads had a fairly "good" night on the Friday, which left a few bad heads the next mornin. They apparently pitched their tent p1ssed up late on the Friday night to find it was amoungst all the Pikey burger van area when they woke in the morning. They all crawled off to the booza for some liquid breakfast, but Dave decided to stay behind, (varying reasons have been put forward!). Well shortly after reviving themselves they hit upon the idea of catching the Hovercraft to the Isle of Wight! They had a fantastic time by the sound of it drinking around the Isle of Wight whilst fending of Dave's texts with " Meet u in a couple of mins", or "C U @ the tent 10 mins", " still at the Pub!" untill it sudenly dawned on them - Dave was driving them all home again in his van!!

They brought dave back a glass bunny full of different coloured sands....I can hear ruth now ...Ahhhhhhhh!

I will try and get a pic of the glass bunny too.

King Of Concrete

116_1606116_1604116_1603116_1602115_1597115_1520115_1507115_1501114_1491114_1457The lads went to Southsea for the weekend, at the bank holiday, to "King of Concrete" at Southsea Skate Park. They had a greta time and Nige grabbed these shots - they are very good!!

Friday 3 September 2004


Shep made my afternoon by sending me this mms - he's sat on the beach at Newquay whilst I'm sat in the office - Cheers dood!newquay.jpg

Harri's 1st day at school

Sorry about the quality of pics - Harri was so excited about starting school and enjoyed it a lot - but found it quite tiring.harri_1st_day_at_scool1.jpg


Thursday 2 September 2004

Rock on!

The lads went to "King of Concrete" in Southsea - but ended up on the hovercraft - Nige bought back some rock for kids.rock3.jpg


Matt took this when we camping at the disappearing river.What can I say?matchsticks.jpg

The disappearing river

A few weeks ago we went to the Diappearing River camping. We had a fantastic time but I didn't take any photos - Here are two that Matt took with his new k700i.river.jpg




Smithy sent me this from Sydney - Will the spread of chavness never end?