Sunday 23 July 2006

Nigel, Friday Night Special

Nigel peaked too early, so his mates helped him make it through the night....Nigel_01 Nigel_02 Nigel_03 Nigel_04 Nigel_06 Nigel_07 Nigel_08


Monday 8 May 2006

One from a while back....

The strangest of toilets in a restaurant in Marseilles Harbour when Iwas there a few months ago. The video doesn't really show the full glory as its quite dark. But the seat is washed and dried as it spins around after every flush........awesome loo! It made you want to pee on the seat so you could see it get cleaned. But sorry ladies there was no lid...

Download strangeloomarseille.mp4

Porthcawl Bank Holiday

We met up with Raf, Claire and their kids in Porthcawl a few weeks backOllieharvey_4. Here's Harvey and Ollie cruising in their Buggies whilst the rest of us threw rocks arround and generally messed up the beach.

Beach1_3 Beach2

Thursday 6 April 2006

Croyde Bay


The Grisley Family have a few days in a cottage in Croyde, Devon. This is the first snap I took from the sand dunes yesterday morning, whilst walking the dog. Everyone else was still waking up at the cottage, after our late arrival the night before.

Wednesday 5 April 2006

Richard's Range Rover


Richard has bought a Range Rover - he has started to buy all the kit now. He has winch and bumper and some diff gaurds, so it shouldn't be long and we will be getting it muddy!!



Harri and Felix at Lydiard Park.


Here's a lovely picture of Ollie and Harri

Wednesday 22 March 2006

Happy Birthday To Harrison

Harri_birthday_kona Harrison was "stoked" with his new Kona mountain bike he got for his birthday.

Trip to Marseille

Had to fly to Marseille for work. It was a really clear day when I flew out, and the view from my window was amazing.

GatwickdawnGatwick at Dawn.......



Brighton Flying out over Brighton.



Montblanc Mont Blanc viewed from the air..



Marseille_landing Coming in to land at Marseille airport.



Marseilles_harbour_pan Panoramic view of Marseille Harbour in the evening.


Sunset_marseilles_airport Got to the departure lounge just in time to see the sun set when I flew home the next day.

Tuesday 7 March 2006

The Reek

Reek Willie sent me this picture his friend took of "Craigh Patrick" in Westport Ireland. Locally known as The Reek, it looks magestic in the snow

Sunday 5 March 2006

Matt hugs his friend......

20060304_00005 Matt and Jeanette came back from the  GT last night and Matt decided to shout "Ralph" very loudly all over the patio.  Once his appetite for pavement pizza had been satiated he then spent the next few hours hugging his porcaline pall...............

Friday 3 March 2006

Nige fell asleep after a hard night wetting the baby's head.


Nige went back to Matt & Jeanette's after the GT.The cat took a liking to his bear head.

Wednesday 1 March 2006

I woke up to Snow this morning!

Image_00026Image_00030_1  Which normally would be great but may mean I get stuck here in Ireland another night as Knock airport may not be flying.......

Sunset over Clew Bay

Image_00016 You can make out Craigh Patrick in the background. This is the first attempt to use my fone's camera in panorama mode.........still some practice needed I think!

Contraception for playing away?

Image_00022 A condom for the Irish Rover!!!

Tuesday 28 February 2006

Irish Contraception


I took this in a loo in the Republic of Ireland. Typical Irish humour, I don't know that curry flavoured condoms would be that popular though?

Ireland - westport

Sorry Blog

I promissed to write more often but look it's allready been a week since my last comment!

I have been in Ireland working silly hours again, so haven't gotten round to it. I have a couple of picks to post but they will have to wait as I am sat in a restaurant using the fone - getting sxome funny stares. I promiss to post some soon. who knows maybe even tomorrow if they have wifi at knock possibly thursday....

Saturday 18 February 2006

Well it's been a long long time since I posted on this site but I have a new fone and I this is a great justification for the purchase. I hope to mange the site from the new fone. It's been so long that there's a new Grisley to introduce to you. So here's Oliver -
