Tuesday 28 February 2006

Irish Contraception


I took this in a loo in the Republic of Ireland. Typical Irish humour, I don't know that curry flavoured condoms would be that popular though?

Ireland - westport

Sorry Blog

I promissed to write more often but look it's allready been a week since my last comment!

I have been in Ireland working silly hours again, so haven't gotten round to it. I have a couple of picks to post but they will have to wait as I am sat in a restaurant using the fone - getting sxome funny stares. I promiss to post some soon. who knows maybe even tomorrow if they have wifi at knock airport....so possibly thursday....

Saturday 18 February 2006

Well it's been a long long time since I posted on this site but I have a new fone and I this is a great justification for the purchase. I hope to mange the site from the new fone. It's been so long that there's a new Grisley to introduce to you. So here's Oliver -
