Friday 19 October 2007

Big Man's Birthday Meal

I went down to Cardiff for a great evening with Chris, Rachel, Mel and Duncan. I had missed Chris's birthday bash at the weekend but still managed to snap some excellent pictures from the "Tao" of Chris's life that his brother Rob had presented him. I believe this is where the saying "legs like streaks of piss" comes from!! We went for a Japanese Meal which was awesome then played with sparklers amoungst various other frivolity. Jesus My head did not apreciate the Clavados and Whiskey the next day!

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Monday 15 October 2007

No Wind Toys

Flexi Demo Weekend at the Ho!

The kiters out there will know, when there's no wind things can be a little boring. Marcus thought industrial clingfilm would make things more interesting. Once Loz stopped breathing and went blue, someone thought they should cut an air hole for him.

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Strange Al brought a megafone and 100 glow sticks. Follow the link to youtube below to see one example of how we used the megafone. Suffice to say everyone in Westward Ho! had heard of the Swindon Sky Pirates by the time we left.....

Crut and Phanny Boy


I was distracted whilst ordering some drinks in the "Waterfront" at Westward Ho! by this box of straws. There was a glass in front and I was unable to read the "tail" and "Straw" parts of the bottom line.


A Land Rover I Don't Like!

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Anyone that knows me will know that I am slightly obsessive about Land Rovers. But even I am struggling with this one! It even has "sliver ladies" like a lorry driver......oooops - where's my sick bucket?

Friday 12 October 2007

Bladder flys on the dark side

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Like a stick of rock, Paul has flexifoil written all the way through him. But here's some pictures of "Blader" flying Ozone!!

Tuesday 9 October 2007


I popped down to Cricklade yesterday and spent a couple of hours on the Thames there. Pulled the dog out of the water more times than fish, but met some friendly wrinklies that made me laugh and caught these two little fellas. Well these were the only two worth mentioning. I had no bait so was chucking out a shiny hook to see what took. The Pike was a little jack  and, well, this was the biggest of the perch I pulled out.

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Rich's Range Rover

Rich sent me some mms pictures of his Rangy as he was checking to see if the tyres he borrowed foul the body work on full articulation. Amazing amount of travel!! Only a few weeks and we will be neck deep in Irish peat bogs!

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Thursday 4 October 2007

Stuck indoors?

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Live a fuller life "virtually" through your friends. Go check out Smithy and Bec's Webblog of their travels. Here's a few taster pictures of Cow Bay.....I wish I was there now....

Now I have "sunshine on my mind".


Wednesday 3 October 2007

Public Hanging!

I love life in a Wiltshire Village. Saturday afternoon and Pip is away and Harri has his friend Jo over. What to do to occupy the kids? I know, a Public  Hanging! So we pop down to "Purton Stoke" to enjoy the spectacle. First we enjoy the annual "Yard of Ale" competition - Purton Style. In the village you don't just have to drink the "Yard of Ale" but you also have to piss it out again to win. The Village champion shows us all why he always wins as he has perfected the art of drinking and pissing simaltaneously. Oh how we all applauded..................

Then they hung some poor Polish bloke.

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