Thursday 26 February 2009


Grabbed a quick lunch with Ben today, as he is doing his work experience at a Solitors in town this week. How quick do kids grow up? Ben

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Trafalgar Square

Great view of a 110 with Nelson in the background.Trafalgar Square

Admiralty Arch

Deep Joy sat in traffic.Admiralty Arch

Work's Van

Had to drive to London this morning. Got this horrile little Corsa to use. Limited to 70mph. Should be fun on the M4.Work's Van

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Shiney 110

It's Tuesday night and I still haven't cleaned the 110 after our Sunday shenanagans.Shiney 110

Monday 16 February 2009

Seat at Work

Just testing a client for posting to my blog. It's been a long time since my last post, and I thought this new client might get me posting to the blog again.Seat at Work