Sunday 22 March 2009

Hazy Sunny afternoon

Hazy Sunny afternoon

Highest Road in Wales

What a smashing day!IMAG0346

Lunch Stop Gap Road


Up in the Mountains

Well the Brecon Beacons. We drove the Famous Gap Roman Road yesterday.Up in the Mountains

Tuesday 17 March 2009

When Geocaching Goes Wrong

Not quite the prize I was looking for.
I had my pleasant wander around a lake collecting clues, and then off into the woods to locate the final Cache box. Oh Dear! Looks like a muggle has been there before me!

Not fair for kids that might be playing Geocaching.

Although I am sure some of my Muggle mates will laugh.

Sad as I am, I still signed the log book after washing the Cache contents in a nearby stream and placing back in the hide.IMAG0341

Monday 16 March 2009

Sunny Sunday Morning

Nipped out with the mutt to grab four quick geocaches to take my record to 300 finds. Awesome sunny spring morning wandering around the lakes, met three other Cachers whilst on manouvers. Photo is view across Manor Lake near Waterhay on the Thames.Sunny Sunday Morning

Thursday 12 March 2009

A Tortoise

Dave Connor and I went geocaching down near Westbury last Saturday. We managed 32 Cache finds in a day! A new record for all of us. Here's Conner holding one of the interesting Cache containers we found. A Tortoise.A Tortoise

Monday 2 March 2009

Ollie padded up

Little Man with his pads on ready for action!IMAG0328