Friday 31 July 2009

St Peter Port Guernsey

We landed at St Peter Port.St Peter Port Guernsey

View from the back of the Ferry

View from the back of the Ferry

Sailing to Guernsey

We had some Jet skis follow the Ferry wake.Sailing to Guernsey

Leaving for Guernsey

We are off to Guernsey for Alfie's Christening. Here's Old Harry as we leave Poole Harbour.Leaving for Guernsey

Friday 24 July 2009

Ben's eyes after his marathon Xbox session

Ben had awesome redeye after spending days inches from the screen playing COD5 on his XboxBen's eyes after his marathon Xbox session

Thursday 23 July 2009

Poor Raf

Here's a Random Picture of Raf. Bless him, he fell off to sleep on the Sofa again.


Ollie's Sports Day

New Image 

Ollie wins a medal at his Play group Sports day.

Monday 13 July 2009

Ben's Broken Collar bone


Poor old Ben. He came down hard on his shoulder. He then had to endure an ambulance ride strapped to a spine board because the over zealous Paramedic that came in the ambulance had been told it was a head injury. The guy was a total Jobs worth idiot that had all the medic team and his own driver asking him why he was doing this. He ended up having to give Ben morphine because strapping his busted shoulder to the spine board for 45 mins was agony for Ben.

No riding for Ben for a while, I guess his Xbox skills will improve in the next few weeks.

The Goliath


The Goliath was a huge drop in and jump with a Vert to finsh that had all the riders on the deck, that is except a small 10 year old boy that made it look so simple. He really showed up all the other riders who struggled to even land the first jump, let alone pull double tail whils over it!


Here's a Skater as you can see he struggled...


And here's the 10 year old half way through a lazy 360

Martyn Ashton Wows the crowd




Another great display by the Relentless demo team. Martyn Ashton showing why he is the world trials champion.

NASS Graffiti


I loved the graffiti artists work that was every where.

Graffiti at NASS

This year they had some great Graffiti artists, I liked this board.Download Graffiti at NASS


FreeStylers and Zane Lowe were the musical highlights. But rain most of saturday and Ben braking his collarbone on the Sunday afternoon kind of took the shine off it for me. Most the afternoon in Yeovil General Hospital A&E whilst the street bmx finals were on, shame.NASS09

Saturday 4 July 2009

Time to paddle to the pub


Poor river picture stitched on my phone


Raf's Birthday weekend

All the Girls are on Bec's Hen do. So Raf and I have taken the kids to stay in a field beside the Thames. Truely amazing spot. Bacon Sarnies and G&T for breakfast!


Friday 3 July 2009