Saturday 11 December 2004

Kuala Lumpa

The more observant of you will have noticed that I have just posted the last 2 weeks pictures in the last couple of hours. Well that's because I am in Kuala Lumpa Airport awaiting my transfer to Heathrow. Sat in Starbucks using the free Wi-Fi Hot Spot. Here's my view from the window.Image_00002

View from Hotel Window

Here is a .swf file that I created of the view from my Hotel Window. The full picture is over 4 Mb butthis is only 170 k.  It gives you the idea but you need "Flash " to see it. If you want the full 4 Mb file you need broadband and email me.Download hotel_view_penang_island.swf

I have also optimised it down to 40k for those on mobile devices - but this doesn't really do it any justice at all.Hotel_view_penang_island_optimised

Hiding Cow

Now I do believe he knew!! You will have to look closely as he didn't really want to meet me( Roumer of m y eating habbits may have reached him). That is untill I climbed out of the car to get a closer picture - then he was right up for it! NImage_00048 eedless to say I neglected to get the close up as I was too busy getting back in the car screaming "Go Go Go !!"

Curried Cow's Brains

Image_00049 Yes it is!! At first I thought it was a wind up - some sort of vegetable surely! But no - after I had tucked in and scoffed it down, they confirmed - yes it was "Curried Cow Brains". It was actually Quite nice - like a slightly rubbery Liver but white!

Penang Island from the Ferry

The Ferry was so much more relaxed than the bridge.Ferry Penang1

The island looks almost calm from the Ferry

You want fish?

Fresh fish on the menu.........This geeza was upset when he found out we wern't going to eat it!Batu_fish_restaurent 2fish_rest U_want_fish

Water Cooled CPU

The inovative Malay's - This is the ultimate "Water Cooled CPU", cleverly they have used the heat for some tropical fish - two hobbies in one box!!??Pc_fish_tank

Malay Chav

The Malay's love their cars, and you see many a Proton with a chaved up exhaust and aerowing , usually they are speeding around attempting to knock over as many scooters as posible , but I managed to snap this one that was parked. Sorry it's a bit dark!Malay_chav

Food Glorious Food

The Malay's love their food, and I have found that I really have enjoyed some of it. Here are some pics of stuff I can't eat - I am alergic to fish!!.

Deep_fried_fishes Fishhead_curry_bigDeep fried fishes

Big Fish Head Curry

Fishhead_curry_small Small Fish Head Curry


Malay_cafe_spread A full spread of Fishy stuff.

Penang Bridge

Penang_island_bridge_2 Penang_palau_bridge_135_km_traffic_hell

We have had to cross this insane bridge every day on our hour drive into the wilds of Malaysia - it's 13.5 Km long and it's anarchy all the way. We have always caught the ferry back which is alot more leisurely.

Cortina Taxi

Had to snap this old Cortina Taxi Cortina_taxi

More from Malaysia

Birthday_cake_flower Whilst at work on my birthday I was given this strange flower by one of the girls ( Ayu- Couldnt spell her real name) I thought it was quite sweet for her to think of my birthday.Then when I got back to the Hotel I had the cake waiting in my room. The Malaysians know how to spoil you !!

Monday 29 November 2004

Jetlagged to the Max

But still enjoying it. Only had a few mins today to take photos so I have chucked in another from the mad Nosh market and one of the "Hot & Cold " Jakusi at the Hotel. I have yet to try it but the girl showing us around the Hotel Fried_cuttlefish Hot_and_cold_jakusi_at_hotel said that the cold one is most popular. Not surprised when its 40 degrees outside!!



We caught the Fery back from the mainland to Penang Island tonite it was dark within minutes of getting on but took these as light failed.Deck_of_penang_feri Penang_island_from_the_feri

Sunday 28 November 2004

Penang Island Malaysia

I am working away in malaysia at the moment. We arrived this evening and just nipped out for something to eat - flattened dried squid anyone - or cuttle fish?Everything_deep_fried Gurney_drive Nosh_market Nosh_market_2 Squids

Monday 22 November 2004

Raf gets drawn on..........again!

Download raf_gets_drawn_on.wmv

Here's the movie of Raf getting the indelible marker pen treatment from Pete. I love the way that Pete just sneaks them in. This is a 1 Mb file so not for those of you on dialup - unless your patient. But just for Smithy it is a .wmv which will play in windows media player.

Raf_asleep_again Saturday Night and Raf is about to be drawn on again!

Pete's New Van

Rafdave_in_petes_new_van Pete got a new van. But on its way to being delivered Raf and Dave asked Jutty to drop it into them so they could christen it for Pete. They just wanted to sit in it before him! I have heard of luxury vans but this ones got a coolbox for a glove box - so you can keep your tinnies cold!Awesome!

Matt's Chavs

Picture Dsc00198

Matt was very taken with the 205

VB in the UK

Image_00009 I had lunch at the "Walkabout" in town twice last week - I had kangaroo one day and crocodile the next, both days I washed it down with a bottle of VB. I thought of Smithy as I tucked into my "Joey Burger" with a stubby of VB clutched in the other hand.

Saturday 20 November 2004

Groove Armada & Manly nightlife

Dsc00081 Dsc00113

Smithy went to see The Armada so had to say goodnight to his new found drinking Buddies. Sleepy looking lot aren't they Mr Smith?

Smithy & the Ozzie Chavs

Looks like Sydney is rife with Chavs!

041108_182149  Dsc00118 Dsc00072

Burberry Heaven

Wednesday 10 November 2004



Joe and Harvey - someone's looking Broody! 

Wednesday 3 November 2004

Matt's Birthday

Matt celebrated his birthday in a traditional Purton style! There are some photos - I apologise that they are not very clear but they speak for themselves. First is Matt doing his I am falling over dance!


Next we have Matt after his 3rd "Blow Job" ( It's a cocktail!!)


The picture of Matt falling out of Raff's car is my favourite - what you can't see is that he fell out into a pile of his own puke. Raff had to take him home and is still waiting for Matt to VAX out the inside of his car!






And finally we have a movie of Matt doing a "Blow Job". How drunk is he?

Download matt_does_blowjob.mp4

Hello Sailor

Pete and Dave had Ross hook line and sinker with the "Hello Sailor" routine. But last night we kind of got Matt with it too. I think Ross should wear the crown for the moment but I am sure we will see a few more of these over the coming weeks.

Download ross_hello_sailor.3gp

Download matt_hello_sailor.3gp

remember you need Quicktime to view these movies!

Friday 29 October 2004

VB aaaaaahhhhh!

Look at this beautiful view! Now that's what I remember about Oz! Oh that lovely VB. But I hear they sell it in Swindon too now in the "Walkabout" Bar in town. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!Dsc00050





Oh did I forget to mention the sunset in the Blue Mountains behind?

Forest Spyder

Smithy's Spyder in the Forest up the blue Mountains.

Very nice Sir!Dsc00052

Tuesday 26 October 2004

More from Mr Smythe

Looks like Smithy has a new phone as his piccies are getting better all the time - At least it's not as rough as in the movie I posted a few days ago!Dsc00037



Shep and Jo have a new addition to their family - Bailey! - He looks great in this snap that Shep sent me.

Friday 22 October 2004

Arty Architecture






Smithy went to Melbourne for the weekend and sent me these from a Way Out West and Faithless Gig he went to.

Sydney Harbour......

Download MOV00001.3gp

This makes me laugh! Its a quicktime movie (.3gp) of the view out of the Manley Ferry window one slightly windy day. I can just imagine Smithy going green as he catches the ferry into the city one morning after a night out on the beers. ** you will need quicktime to play this movie**

Sydney Harbour


...............very NICE .............