Thursday 6 January 2005


We went to Paris for New Year and had a great time. The kids loved it and were absolute stars and Pip managed to keep up with us all even though she only has three weeks left till the next Grisley arrives!

Arch_de_triumph .

Arch de Triumph


Champs_elysees .

Champs Elysee


Foot_of_eiffel .

Foot of the Eiffel Tower


Top_of_eiffel .

Second Floor of The Eiffel Tower


Carousel_1 .

Carousel in the park outside the Lourve Museum


Eiffel_from_trocadero .

taken from the Trocadero



Night_eiffel .

Sparkly lights are turned on - on the hour



Griz_boys .

The Doods!



The soberest New year I have had since 13 years old - but we had such good fun it was one of the best - up there with the Melenium in Cardiff .

Wednesday 5 January 2005

Smithy's New Year

View_from_hotel Here's the view from a hotel room over looking Sydney. This was early on in the evening.


90mins2go_1  .

This is with 90 mins to go!!!



Dawn_new_years_day Wow what a top picture! Dawn New Years Day!



Looks like Mr Smith had a top evening, night, morning..........and then New Years Day night he went to see the Plumps!!

Lucky Pomme!

It's Christmas!!!!

As Knoddy Holder would say!

.Harri_stocking_1 Harri_stocking_2



. Harri brought his stocking in for us to see him open his pressies.......

Who_from .

He was very good & checked who each pressent was from.


Pipharri .

Then we went downstairs to open even more!!


Look_what_i_got Look what I got ...


Excited_dance_1 .

The special dance says it all.





.Buster got a present too.

.Army_man Power_ranger

.A happy chappie


dad got in on the act too.Dad_in_army_tent



.Nanny_lucy_james then off to Nanny and Pop's - Here's Nanny with Lucy & James




.A sure fire favourite was the magicians kit from Arran & Charlie


Smithy sent these cracking shots of Manley.

Beach_1  .

this is of the er ................

. Beach..............................



Manley_wharf_sunset .

And this is sunset at Manley Wharf...Not bad considering its taken with a phone!!

Quiet Yank?

Now this is funny..............................................Quiet_yank_1




If you look carefully you can see Smithy in the background too.

Two pictures for the price of one.


Good old Smithy keeps the pictures flowing.Nz_vs_oz_cricket1 Nz_vs_oz_cricket2 Nz_vs_oz_cricket3 .



. Smithy went to the cricket to see New Zealand against the Aussies.......................

An Antipedean local derby? He said they were doing a mexican wave but with litter thrown in? - Must be an Aussie thing!

Long Time No Post

OK Ok - So I've been busy!

Its been nearly four weeks since my last post. So here goes........................