Thursday 6 January 2005


We went to Paris for New Year and had a great time. The kids loved it and were absolute stars and Pip managed to keep up with us all even though she only has three weeks left till the next Grisley arrives!

Arch_de_triumph .

Arch de Triumph


Champs_elysees .

Champs Elysee


Foot_of_eiffel .

Foot of the Eiffel Tower


Top_of_eiffel .

Second Floor of The Eiffel Tower


Carousel_1 .

Carousel in the park outside the Lourve Museum


Eiffel_from_trocadero .

taken from the Trocadero



Night_eiffel .

Sparkly lights are turned on - on the hour



Griz_boys .

The Doods!



The soberest New year I have had since 13 years old - but we had such good fun it was one of the best - up there with the Melenium in Cardiff .

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