Thursday 27 September 2007

Windy As F***

Paul and I went to the Ho! Tuesday. It was Very windy! Didn't get many pictures as it was raining and very windy(have I mentioned that?). We stayed over night at Braddicks and tried again the next day. Paul (Total Nutter) was out on the 6.5 Blade all session on the Tuesday but resorted to the 4 m Blade on the wednesday. The rainbow was a great start of the day but conditions were not great for my phones crappy camera, hence the crap shots. The sand was running accross the beach and my Blade 4 became bogged with sand inside and out after leaving it out for a few minutes. Crazy conditions!!

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Monday 24 September 2007

Ben at Badbury Clump

Ben and his mates went to Badbury Clump for a Dirt Jump Session on Sunday. Here are some photo's of Ben on his Kona and a guy Mountain Boarding courtesy of  Martin Wright.

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Sunday 23 September 2007


Had a fine day out at Delta Force Paintball Centre just outside Cardiff yesterday. Woke up this morning and can hardly walk. So unfit! We went as part of the 6 weeks of celebration that Big Chris is having for his  40th so the last game turned into a free for all to use up our ammo. Every one has welts to show for the day...Chris more than most...but then he does present a bigger target than the rest of us!

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Thursday 20 September 2007

Forty_twat Thankyou Matt for posting this on Facebook! It was my 4oth birthday - I am excused!

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Westward Ho!

Went to Ho! again with Paul and Corin. Met Crut and Emma there. Had a great day. I actually got air......reportedly even 2 1/2 foot of air! Came down on one back wheel a bit heavy one time and bent the bolt and ruined the bearing on that side. But I am still buzzing now- probably will be for a few days now!

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Tuesday 18 September 2007


Last week at the Ho!

A New Post

Holy Crap! As Peter Griffin would exclaim.

A new look and a new post. I had a play with myspace and couldn't get into it. I have got into the old facebook though......groan..

Any how - I am going to try to use this again.

So here goes....

P.S. - Sorry for not posting for the last14 months.......