Thursday 29 April 2004


Hey its Fryday tomoro!!

Haven't had time to do much on the New Rangey - But its a bank holiday this weekend so I might get some done! Looks like Stan wants my 110 so only the Tdi Rangey left to sell!

Need to move some of the goodies from old girl on to the new one! & get muddy.

More pics of Rangey - the garden is starting to look like a NCP Carpark Pip says. I prefer "Landrover Dealership" as Nige described it.

Tuesday 27 April 2004

Ian's 50th Birthday Party

Saturday night we went to Broome Manor Golf Club for Ian's 50th bash. Forgot the flash for the P800 so only got 2photos worth posting.1 is Meg dancing and the other is Pip & Harri - no she doesn't look very happy but we did have a great time!


Sorry it's been a few days since I posted but I have been a bit under the weather. On friday we had a good lads session down the ghostie and Saturday I picked up my new Rangerover. Its a 3.5 efi V8 on an auto box. It has a 6inch suspension list and 285/85/16 Grizzley Claws - It requires a fair bit of work but its getting there. I intend to put a new V8 in & hopefully a 3.9 but time will tell.

Friday 23 April 2004

Tamara's Dog Poppy

Tammy sent me this from her new Sharp GX20 mobile phone. Mad lookin dog!!

More Landrovers

Taken @ Tommy B reeze's farm mid Wales.


Here's Pip & Harri - Aaaaaah!


Thursday 22 April 2004


Nearly Fryday!! Looking forward to friday as I will be joining the rest of the lads in an alcohol oriented evening in the ghost train c/w Chief!! Should be a good piss up!!
Image taken on 17/4/2004 18:00

Wednesday 21 April 2004


I love 'em! Here's a shot of Bryn - not too pleased to find he'd popped a front driveshaft!.& it was broke at the diff end! Still it was a top weekend.

Tuesday 20 April 2004


Todays post is my 3 wise monkies.

Monday 19 April 2004

Steve's African Queen

Thought I'd pop up a pic of Steve's old girl- he's going to drive her from Plymouth to Dakar then give her to Gambian Charity!

Bryn's Old Beast

Here is a pic of Bryn's 130.

What a beast - he has sold it now and is currently building another Rangerover beastie with 37 inch Boggers!!! He also has a renult 5 Gt rollerskate! He is very excited about it and spends loads on chaving it up. Personally it only has 2 wheel drive so I dont see the attraction


Murky, Monday!

Trying to cheer myself up with thoughts of my Landrover 110.

I have decided after listening to my Dad to keep the 110. I love the V8 - it really suits the car! I originally wanted to put the Discovevy engine (200 tdi) from my Rangerover in it. But that would not be an easy task as in/out manifold exaust manifold fuel pump and turbo wouId all require changing~fabrication work to fit. And after I will not have a standard setup & so parts will not be simple etc. Also I really love the Rangerover with the Disco engine. And as my Dad says I could buy alot of petrol for the price of the engine swap- True!

Pip was not that pleased tho - I think she finds it hard to keep up with my constant changes of plan. So here are the Rangy & Landy again - just so I have an excuse to post more pics of them!

Sunday 18 April 2004

Garage Garbage

I started to try clear the garage - we did two runs to the tip with the trailer full to overflowing and got this far - anyone who has seen it recently will know this is an improvement!


Busy day Josh cleaned the Rangy and me & Ben cleaned out the garage - O and we put some different boots on the110!
Image taken on 17/4/2004 13:28
Image taken on 17/4/2004 13:28

Shep goes to Newquay

Shep went to Newquay and sent me this mms when he got there friday night.NICE
Image taken on 16/4/2004 18:48

Friday 16 April 2004

Harri Bike Stunts

Harri wanted me to put some movies of him on here so here is one of him on his bike. Just double click the link.O - you will need Quicktime player to watch this vid.
Harri Bike1.3gp
Created on 13/4/2004 17:43


It's Fryday - as Nige knows it!

Been thinking about my holidays today - so here are some pics from last summers week in Geurnsey. We had a great time & hope to return for a week this year.
Guernsy sunset.gif
Image taken on 10/9/2003 18:18
buried Ben.gif
Image taken on 10/9/2003 18:17

Thursday 15 April 2004

One Stop Chavs

Some proper Chavs spotted outside the Onestop in Purton. NICE ONE BRUVER!!

"Nice Aloys tho Clart!"
Purton Chavs.jpg
Image taken on 14/4/2004 20:51

Wednesday 14 April 2004

Dragon Trophy

Here are some photos my friend Frank sent me on email. They were taken last weekend on the Dragon Trophy an off road competition that Frank & Fitz organise. lts held in Wales every easter bank holiday weekend. You can see it was great fun. Mum & Dad took part and came some where near the middle of the rankings and it was won by Nick & Lisa Dimbleby . The red truck belongs to Pete Witman - it is a beast - but then so is he!!

Photos are thumbnailed - right click choose "open''

Tuesday 13 April 2004


Image taken on 13/4/2004 17:26
Image taken on 13/4/2004 17:30
Image taken on 13/4/2004 17:31

Ben jumping

I got home from work to find the kids playing on the dirt jump at the garden. Check out the video on the link below. Ben flying.
Created on 13/4/2004 17:39

Lovely Kronenburg

I Iove it!

I think I might consume a few litres tonight............Did I mention it was quiet today at work.
Image taken on 11/4/2004 15:20


I spent untill 2am this morning building & configuring my son Josh's laptop. His Grandad has given him an old Toshiba Tecra 500CDT. I put on Win98 Office2k Doom & even got it to play Half life although a bit jumpy. NeedIess to say he is over the moon with it..

Teusday tuesday

I am posting a Iot today as I am little quiet at work - I will post a picture of what I would like to having for lunch instead of my ham sandwich and hoola hoops.

My Garden

Image taken on 12/4/2004 11:42
Spring is here the fish are starting to get active - & Pip has cut the grass!

Shep & Jo go to the zoo

Image taken on 12/4/2004 16:22
Image taken on 12/4/2004 16:31
Shep sent me these pictures by mms from Cotswold country park on Bank holiday monday. He thinks that one looks like nige and the others look like the Grisley Clan.Cheeky Bugger!!.

Sunday 11 April 2004

Sheps Picture

Image taken on 11/4/2004 19:53
Shep sent this by mms - I think its West Brom on Sat - Leave a comment Shepster and tell us what it is.

Mark & Jane

Here are pictures of Mark & Jane - Thanks for the eggs the kids wanted me to say.

The Landlord & Lady of the famous Ghost Train Pub - Purton. Home from home for the Purton Posse!


All these photos are thumbnailed right click on them and choose "OPen in new window"

Easter Sunday ( All images are thumbnailed right click on them and choose "Open in new window".)


Easter Sunday

We all piled up to the GT for the Easter egg hunt and Mark & Jane really went to town on the chocolate.You can see from the photos the kids collected bags and bags ot chocolate - needless to say they were very chuffed.There was face painted chocolate covered kids every where! I had to post the pic with Lisa as in an attempt to stay out of the photos she actually looks like she is doing the funky easter bunny dance. After the kids had scoured the garden clean of eggs Paul brought his new 4runner out with me & we drove a couple of the local Green lanes.

Saturday 10 April 2004

Felix's Birthday Party

After a very sketchy start to the day(Huge hangovers) we finally managed to get up the hill to Ren & Nige's for Felix's 1st birthday bash. You can see the marvelous spread Ren had slaved over with car & duck shaped sarnies etc.You can also see a flakey looking Smithy stuffing his face. Little Felix looked to be enjoying himself & Harri took a shine to Felix's new BMW..

With no hope of Pip making a recovery from her hangover anytime today we scurried home clutching a copy of Calender Girls to watch later.



Ren's GLC shirt

Check out Rens shirt - You knows it Clart!

1st Post

Well here we are, my first post. I am posting from my Sony Ericsson P800. I hope to regularly post from my P800 with text audio pictures and video - so with that in mind I am adding some files as a test.

Video is my landrover. Picture is my landrover. Audio is what you are probably thinking if reading this.

Created on 2/9/2003 21:35
Created on 19/12/2003 20:47