Saturday 10 April 2004

1st Post

Well here we are, my first post. I am posting from my Sony Ericsson P800. I hope to regularly post from my P800 with text audio pictures and video - so with that in mind I am adding some files as a test.

Video is my landrover. Picture is my landrover. Audio is what you are probably thinking if reading this.

Created on 2/9/2003 21:35
Created on 19/12/2003 20:47


  1. Cheers up!! Happy easter to yous all from sunny Guernsey. Like the site who's the geeky geezer in the photo?

  2. It's merely a visual interpretation of how I feel after geeking my way through building the site, if you pop back regularly you will see that it changes when I find a new one I like.
