Wednesday 14 April 2004

Dragon Trophy

Here are some photos my friend Frank sent me on email. They were taken last weekend on the Dragon Trophy an off road competition that Frank & Fitz organise. lts held in Wales every easter bank holiday weekend. You can see it was great fun. Mum & Dad took part and came some where near the middle of the rankings and it was won by Nick & Lisa Dimbleby . The red truck belongs to Pete Witman - it is a beast - but then so is he!!

Photos are thumbnailed - right click choose "open''


  1. Enjoyed your web page. Dad and I pleased with Josh's thank you card - very impressed. Pleased you like the laptop Josh maybe you can give me some lessons. Dad has terrible cold today - quite washed out sneezing everywhere!!!! Love you all loads.

  2. Enjoyed your web page. Dad and I pleased with Josh's thank you card - very impressed. Pleased you like the laptop Josh maybe you can give me some lessons. Dad has terrible cold today - quite washed out sneezing everywhere!!!! Love you all loads.

  3. I have had a look at the site and I have to say you need a hobby. Cheese of cheese. Only kidding but I can understand why Pip needs a holiday.
    Love you broth.......
