Monday 19 April 2004


Murky, Monday!

Trying to cheer myself up with thoughts of my Landrover 110.

I have decided after listening to my Dad to keep the 110. I love the V8 - it really suits the car! I originally wanted to put the Discovevy engine (200 tdi) from my Rangerover in it. But that would not be an easy task as in/out manifold exaust manifold fuel pump and turbo wouId all require changing~fabrication work to fit. And after I will not have a standard setup & so parts will not be simple etc. Also I really love the Rangerover with the Disco engine. And as my Dad says I could buy alot of petrol for the price of the engine swap- True!

Pip was not that pleased tho - I think she finds it hard to keep up with my constant changes of plan. So here are the Rangy & Landy again - just so I have an excuse to post more pics of them!

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